
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I'm a Regular

I've just been reading a mystery novel by Martha Grimes with a character who has his own pewter mug at the local pub. It hangs on a hook on the wall and he and he alone uses that mug. Well, guess what? Today Maria and Tanya gave me my own mug at Shaktea. I'm officially a regular! It's a beautiful hand crafted cup made by a New York artisan.

Soon I'll have my own chair by the fire, like the pub cat. Woe betide anyone who sits in MY chair or uses MY cup. Arrrrr!


Jean said...

beyond awesome!

somervillekitchen said...

hey great to hear about the cup - I managed to win one too, these girls make it tough to get one - five years!

okay, all freed up to restart baklawa project, let us talk.

somerville kitchen