
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Taco Trucks and Tonics

On Saturdays Per and I had tacos at the winter market. The line-up and wait wasn't too bad, especially considering it was close to noon. (He slept in, not me!)

You get a choice of two tacos for just under $7. We both got a pulled pork one and the black bean and sweet potato option. I preferred the pulled pork with its eye-popping purple slaw. The vegetarian option tasted a bit soapy to me. I was wishing for three tacos with less filling so they would be easier to shovel in without getting sauce dribbled down your arm. I don't like over-stuffed tacos. Do you? I know, I'm being picky. The pulled pork taco was awesome. They put the salsa on for you, which also bugged me.

We admired the eggs and watched the market folk as we ate our tacos. You know what ticked me off? There were people standing because of a lack of chairs and just as we were leaving a woman who had been sitting and eating took her bags off a chair. We all assumed it was being saved by someone in line. How rude.

It's that time of the year when forced cheerfulness can quickly turn sour. I have a tickle in my throat, so I am feeling particularly moody and vulnerable. Tonight I made an awesome funky winter tonic. Please do not try this at home. It has: ginseng, linden blossom tea, propolis honey, acai juice, fresh ginger, a bit of "wise woman tea" that tastes absolutely awful, apple cider vinegar and cranberry to mask the taste. I hope this vile rocket fuel blasts away the cooties.

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