
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Studio Day Tuesday

I get quite jealous of my friends who schedule studio days and stick to them, I have "studio minutes" and "studio hours." So today I actually managed to have a studio day, apart from a couple of errands. First thing--a phone call from England because are trying to sort out how to send me royalties. Yay! Oh, and before that a weird dream that I was performing a kind of magic burlesque show in Iceland while staying in a pastel post modern trailer park in a blinding white snowscape. Quite surreal, as dreams should be.

I am making cozy Valentine buntings which I'll post photos of as soon as I finish one. This involved getting all three of my sewing machines out to see which one of them was going to a) work and b) do zigzag. That's not much to ask, is it???!!! I have one sewing machine circa 1940, one circa 1965, and one contemporary one. The 1964 one is my favorite because it's turquoise. Oooh. Anyway, I bought it at a thrift shop and the first time I used it it started sparking. So on a day Ules is learning about electrical safety at school I asked Per to fix it. What he did was shake the pedal, so a couple of bits of metal fell out and it works fine. Phew. I felt very much in the crafty zone and I'm thinking maybe an Etsy store is in the cards for me sometime in the future with the goal of using up all the craft materials and art supplies in the house. Yes! That's a good resolution.

So I made a mishmash studio day supper of refried Navy beans, minced pork, homemade taco chips and salad. We had vegan chocolate banana cake for dessert. Also, I am drinking sparkling pear juice with cranberry these days which I LOVE.

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