
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Seeds, Spies, and Spooky Blooms

I have been watching more of watching M15 series, loving the art director's palate because it complements the greys and taupes of London so well with the black iron railings. There's nice accent shades of pale blue greens which look good in that city, also a bit of light muted coral which works well--and what a good-looking cast.

Peter made a lovely lamb stew for supper. I baked chocolate chip cookies with hemp hearts--a modification of David Lebowitz's Chocolate chip cookie recipe which is my current favorite. These can go in the lunch box because they don't contain nuts.

I've been breaking tasks down into seasonal components and winter is a time for sorting and labeling seeds, garden research and goal setting. I've decided I want the garden closest to the house to be strawberries, culinary herbs, edible flower and tea garden. I am also going to grow a few climbing beans at the very back because they grow so well there. It's time to pull up my strawberry garden because the plants are getting old. I'll put bush beans and clover in there to remediate the soil.

I've got to do more research on shade plants for other areas of the garden. In the raised bed I'm going to put lemon cukes on a trellis, and grow salad greens, zucchini, marigolds, beets, squash, sunflowers and arugula. I'm going to plant holly hocks on the west side near the fence and to be try something absolutely different I'm going to order a mix of seeds for "black" flowers. I think they will be a nice contract next to the brightly colored fleurs. I won't plant them all in one spot, just a little bit of a gothic touch here and there. It will be interesting to see if the bees like them.

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