
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Belabored Day

Somehow, I've got to get excited about fall. Right now it just looms over me like a shadow of a mountain of unfinished paperwork. I've got to get excited about writing grants. (Well, being finished the grants will feel good anyway.) I've need to anticipate the hours spent researching and reading with a mug of hot tea and a couple of low-fat shortbread cookies. (I wish shortbread was low-fat.) I've got to be excited about fall cleaning, seed saving, exercising, PAC meetings, teaching, and rain. Oh yes, there will be rain. There will be walks to school in the rain, nutritious lunches to make while it's raining. And somehow in the midst of all this stuff I've got to make some art: writing, drawing, cutting stitching, pasting, and melting in the rain.

But fall is also about getting together with friends for potlucks and cocktails... hanging out with the moms, sharing our stories of elementary school angst and preparing nutritious lunches. There will be chocolate. There will be port. There will be trips to Coco et Olive for the two bite espresso brownies to quell the back to school blues. There will be the anticipation of planning for next summer. Sigh. Oh, and there will be lunch at that new Northern Italian place: La Quercia. I'm looking forward to that. Did I mention there will be credit card debt?

Fall, get ready for your close-up. You're on.

BTW, did I tell you I had a dream about doing a photo shoot with Michelle Pfeiffer?

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