
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Winter Cravings

Today I made a Thai soup with coconut milk, dried oyster mushrooms from the market and wild rice. It was the best thing I have ever made. Now I am eager to try my hand at more Thai dishes. I am craving clam chowder (Boston style of course), and Rhyzome's mac and cheese with mushrooms and Rooster sauce. I also made one of the worst things I've ever baked today. I was really excited about making cashew nut shortbread, but I should have cut the sugar by half. They are shriekingly sweet and so will end up in a graham crumb crust. My mood's been up and down today too. I had a fun time starting on my annual winter collages, but I'm frustrated that we don't have any color ink right now and it's so bloody expensive. I've been researching paper dolls to add that element into some of the collages. There are some cool vintage ones you can download from the web. I'm going to print some up for my niece and nephew.

I want to try to recreate the apple slaw at Crave. I think I may need a mandolin this year for Christmas.

The neighbors are having band practice again tonight. Arghh. Please stop.

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