
Monday, November 8, 2010

Sweet Time

Isn't it wonderful to have an extra half hour to sleep in? What a gift. I have had a lost weekend, a migraine weekend, but I did manage to bake zucchini muffins, go to the winter market at Nat Bailey and read three books. (Thank god for drugs.) I got to putter around in the garden, harvesting the last of the amaranth and pulling up the stalks so my winter crops get more sunlight. My rare nematodal marigolds are finally blooming and they have an incredibly pungeant smell, even in the cold. So far we've had an amazing November and even now there is a patch of clear sky out there. The bees are closed in for the winter with their own honey and pollen but no queen. They do still seem to be keeping themselves warm by forming a ball. I noticed this a while ago when I took the feeding box off.

Time to go and make breakfast and lunch. Enjoy that extra few minutes this morning.

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