
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Cloud Seeding

Das Boot Camp has begun and we are being productive. We have been writing until our fingers are cramped and can work no more. We have been cooking whole grains and chopping cabbage until the wee hours of the morning. We have been eating grapefruit whether we like it or not. We have been singing and learning our choir music, even the ones we despise. Moohoohawhawhaw!

And yet, there has been room for laughter, small pieces of cheesecake, a few of Michelle's awesome cookies, and a piece of Aphrodite's pumpkin pie. We are sore and stiff, but comrades, we are doing this for the good of the family, the city and the nation. We march on in the dim light of the sad, rain-drenched city that cares nothing of its artists in the front lines. Vive le revolution!

Remember to take your vitamin D, sisters.

Oh and I am researching cloud seeding for a performance piece. The subject seems to drive the conspiracy theorists crazy.

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