
Monday, April 19, 2010

Calme Toi

It's my favorite expression in French movies, near the end of a big fight, "Calme toi Maurice, calme toi." It sounds so soothing. Sometimes I just say it to myself over and over again. Calme toi. Oh god, what a beautiful day it was to be in the flesh and bone, sitting under my lilac tree considering the bees. What a vigorous hive we have. Jaysus! (That's one of my favorite Irish expressions.) Or as my Newfie friend would say, "Jaysus in the garden pickin' flowers for the table."

This morning I taught some grade seven students how to stitch by hand. It's very rewarding to teach such a basic skill. I was shocked at how many of them didn't know how to tie a knot. Have I told you how much I love teaching? I do. Well, I like being the itinerant art teacher. I couldn't do the daily slog. Sewing is very calming. To anchor a knot with your finger and thumb and cut the thread with a sharp pair of scissors--this too requires time and experience.

Tonight I cooked bacon, perogies, and fried onions for supper served with Liberté goat creme fraîche. (Novelty product alert!) Good old stodge. I was going to garnish with fresh spring chives but I forgot.

Deep breath. This week I am going to slow down the pace a bit and spend some quality time ridding my garden of the weeds that have overtaken parts of it. I can have some studio time and flaneur time. Some time to sit and think what the body will do.

Oh, and Don Davies just phoned to apologize for waking me up Saturday morning. "If it's any consolation I too was ripped out of a deep sleep by the sound of my own voice." Snort. If only the apology hadn't been automated. I'd like some flowers and chocolates too please.

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