
Friday, June 22, 2012

Kung Pao Tofu

I was craving Kung Poa Tofu and luckily we had all the ingredients in the house: approx. a tablespoon each of white wine, chili sauce, crushed garlic, soya sauce, plus scant 1 tbs corn starch dissolved in 1 tbsp hot water, 3 tbs green onion, 1/4 cup peanuts, one tsp each sesame oil, rice vinegar, and brown sugar. Sauté, add 1 package tofu (cubed) and simmer until sauce is thickened. I also added in chopped spinach at the end.

I have found my favorite chai recipe. I now make it with crushed cardamom seeds, fennel seeds, black tea, almond milk and rose water. After straining the tea, add 1 tsp tsampa (roasted ground barley).

Today I gave the garden club at my son's school a tea party and tried to teach them etiquette. They were in a very silly mood and full of beans, but it occurred to me that we really do need to teach children etiquette so they develop a sense of the rituals of respect. Some of them act like little beasts. And these kids are ten years old. (Do I sound like an old biddy?) We had chocolate cookies, lemon verbena cookies and Paris toasts with cream cheese and edible flowers.

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