
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Je Mange le Chocolat

Yes, I am on a bender of the chocolate variety. Good chocolate, bad chocolate. All due to a DVD of "The Closer" with a main character played brilliantly by Kyra Sedgewick. I am so channeling that detective right now, with her sugar-dipped voice and her secret drawer of forbidden treats. Chai chocolate pudding from Shaktea, brownies and cinnamon chocolate walnut meringues from Coco et Olive, homemade chocolate coconut banana smoothies. BRING IT ON. And on the other side of this bipolar diet disorder we have kale and arugula. This is what happens when my man goes off flying to the nation's capital, leaving me unbalanced and off kilter.

Ignore the woman behind the curtain wiping the crumbs from her mouth.

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