
Friday, December 2, 2011

A Most Productive Day

A good day. I woke up early and baked banana hemp muffins. I decided to walk to clear my head and made a trail all the way from here to Fourth and MacDonald. I soaked in the vitamin D and bought three maple bourbon 'Blitzen' chocolates to share from Cocoa Nymph. The girls were in a most giddy and giggly mood. 'Twas quite infectious. My love for their chocolates grows by the day. I admire their space and the scale of their operation. They also gave a big donation to this year's CBC Foodbank Drive. You go, girls! I was fantasizing that someone would buy me their package for Christmas and I would be invited to share it as a date with George Strombo... Oh la la la. A woman can dream.

I did some collages today and pushed them towards the baroque. Peter and I had tea with the girls at Shaktea and Tanya gave me a Majid cooking lesson package. Yay! For dinner I did cumin papadums, squash and turkey curry, rice, baked tofu in panko crumbs and I made an heirloom tomato mint chutney. We had a badass bottle of vino (Syrah from 3 Winds), so I added apple currant juice and spiced tea which made it quite palatable and went well with the curry. (That's badass in a bad way, FYI. Thin and harsh.)

And tonight I finally got off my lazy ass and practiced my choir tunes. I am trying to memorize as much of the material as I can. Love some of the repertoire and hate some of it. Some of it bores my teats off.

Ules is on another Gilligan's Island bender. Oh lordy.

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