
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hail and Damnation

Just this morning I was admiring my brave, robust nasturtiums and now they are battle-torn and bedraggled. Some have lost the good fight. There were other casualties. I could cry. Not one, not two, but three hailstorms this afternoon while the sun was shining in one part of the sky. Bizarre. Sad. Frustrating. We prairie people know the heartbreak of weather damage. Not enough sun, too much sun. Too much of this, not enough of that and just when you thought to reap the bounty, the locusts arrive. Luckily I have more plants started inside. I was planning on putting them somewhere else, but they will replace the wounded and the dying.

In spite of this weather disaster, today was a good day. Another seedball workshop. The (almost) end of another residency. Aujourd hui, ça va. I feel I have clawed my way to the top of another learning curve. Life is never as pleasant as the new age self-helpers would have you believe. Life is full of migraines, stress eating, sore body parts, insecurities, people who look at you with disinterest, dislike, and hatred. People who use you up and chuck you up like a LOL cat hairball. But there are days when you feel you can rise above it all. You can go beyond all that grimy human crap and feel good about what you have accomplished. Today is such a day. I have great colleagues, friends and family. I live in a cool city with a pretty awesome climate. I like my work. It's almost June. I have new leopard print pajamas.

I've been watching Jeremy Brett's Sherlock Holmes episodes which are just amazing. I think I will use some of his gestures for my next performance. Still trying to get through a Margaret Grimes novel about horse racing. I must admit I don't like stories about race horses. I find them extremely boring and they seem to be all the same to me--one big yawn. I think it's a stupid sport. So there.

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