
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mango Days

We are really missing Peter. It's been so long since he went away on a trip it feels really empty here without him. I am busy working on my installation piece. It was warm enough to work outside this morning so I ripped apart two curtains I am going to rework. I was listening to Mr Gomeshi talk to Susie Bright on CBC while picking part stitches under the lilac tree. Ms. Bright was genuine, humble, and brilliant. More interviews like this please and less hyper-pop air heads.

I just baked a mango coconut bread because the Ataulfo mangoes are good right now. I got the recipe from Ceci n'est Pas un food Blog. I baked it for an hour, which is half an hour less than the original recipe.


Susie Bright said...

I feel like giving you a big Mango hug for saying that!

Beespeaker said...

I'll take that hug and send you a mango tango!