
Friday, August 27, 2010

Write, Rehearse, Repeat

So good to be writing and rehearsing again. Feels like I'm getting my mojo back. Mojo, mojo, mojo. (Sorry, private joke. You'll have to see the show to understand.) Repetition features prominently in our piece. As does the MILF.

Checked the bees again with J and gave them varroa mite treatment number two. They are doing all right, but not as vigorous as we'd like them to be. Fingers crossed. There were lots of practice queen cells too, which is odd.

We had a nice little rain shower today which the tomatoes need. I am looking after my neighbor's cat and their plants. I couldn't find the cat anywhere which kind of freaked me out, but finally I checked in a tiny crawlspace under a bed and there she was: pupils dilated and freaked out by a strange woman clomping about her house. She's so shy. Poor thing. Then there's Homer, the other neighbor's cat who is not shy about trying to let me into the house so he can eat all her food. Sorry mate, I'm on to your tricks. He fooled the last cat sitter who let him pig out and then puke all over the floor. Not on MY watch.

Shaktea has upped their game. The girls are now making their own desserts and have added some tea sandwiches to their menu. The chocolate chai pudding is to die for. Ules loves it as much as I do.

1 comment:

MB said...

Glad to hear you're rehearsing and performing again...