
Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Sugar Challenge

My beloved has challenged me to give up sugar for three weeks. Ha! This will not happen, but it is a wake-up call to cut back, way back. It's going to be hard because lately I've been baking almost every day because I find it so grounding and it does save us money in the long run.

Soooo, I just baked a batch of Thomas Haas's Chocolate Sparkle cookies. I even had a jar of blackberry honey which is precisely what the recipe calls for. The deeply satisfying smell of baked chocolate is permeating the house right now. And I only ate one. These cookies are also gluten free, so my I can make them for my friends who don't eat wheat.

I finally sowed some salad green seeds into my garden bed and yesterday I spent two full hours gardening--in our garden and Catherine's. My back was hella stiff this morning, but I do feel good now that I'm back working in the soil. I moved my rhubarb to a sunnier spot and replanted some tulip bulbs I dug up last year and overwintered in the porch. I also spent an hour cleaning out the back porch in preparation for planting seedlings. It's a beautiful sunny day today too! Yeehaw!

We've been watch a cop show set in Manchester called Life on Mars. I find it repetitive, contrived and flat, but I'm still watching it. I guess I'm indulging in the nostalgia of it, as it's set in the 70's.

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