
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sensuous Singing

I think that one of the best things about singing it the pure sensuous pleasure. I love the sounds the voice can make, but also the sounds of the languages we sing. Today we immersed ourselves in Italian, and mio bella, I could just dive into those words. The harmonies are gonna really resonate too. It also gives us the privilege of singing and memorizing poetry, which is a lovely pastime. It feels like a decadent guilty pleasure to me.

I sometimes regret I didn't study languages and singing at University. I loved singing in some contexts, but truth be told, I wasn't a big fan of other musicians I met. They were even more introverted and geeky than I was and I found some of them immature and irritating. I KNOW I'm making horrible generalizations, but it just wasn't my tribe at the time. I just haven't found my tribe of musicians and I do long for one, pray for one and dream of forming a band and touring off into the sunset. It just hasn't happened. Yet.

Singing as a hobby is great. Less pressure, different expectations. Singing for pleasure. Singing for the soul. Music does tend to take over my mind and haunt me, so that also might be a reason I never became a pro. It might have literally driven me mad. I'm serious. And I'm not naturally musically intelligent. I really have to work at it, even though it is a labor of love. Becoming a classical singer requires great feats of stamina (emotional and physical) reading and memory skills that I really never have had the capacity for. Sometimes it's good to be realistic about your limitations.

The great thing about being part of a choir is team work, fun, harmony, and the satisfaction of performing the more difficult works. It's humbling too, to be a small part of a giant human musical organ. Keepin' it real, yo.

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