
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wind Chill

I'm shocked to read it is 4 degrees C out there. It feels much colder, with the wind. We now have all our new floors installed upstairs, but it is still pretty chilly up here.

I just read the final Wallander novel by Henning Mankell, which is really a rich piece of work to be savored slowly. Occasionally, I did get impatient with the pace, but other times I just really enjoyed the slow unwinding of the details. The book is called The Troubled Man. And yes, I check every library book for bugs. I am going to get a reputation as the crazy lady who flips through the pages three times before she checks out each book.

I decided that I want a ukulele for Christmas--a top quality one with a pick up.

The grapefruit are really good at this time of the year. I am enjoying them every day for brekkie. And I have been eating an inordinate amount of BBQ flavored chips for some reason. I hope the chapter in that book is closing. They are really disgusting.

Funny how some trees hold onto their leaves in these fierce gusts of wind and some just let go. I even saw a boy trying to shake a tree. At first I thought he was trying to shake off the leaves, but then I realized he'd lost something he'd thrown into the tree. Is it time to shake the tree? Or just let the wind do all the work?

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