
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ukulele Mama

It don't usually go shopping on Sunday, so taking the trip downtown on Grey Cup day to purchase a uke was seriously surreal. Folks in neon green and orange mohawks, all kinds of football jerseys with padded shoulders, everyone with some kind of design painted under their eyes and four mysterious men dressed as polar bears. Much of the crowd was older--aged 50 plus. There were even some diehard Sask. Roughrider fans looking serious in their green and white togs.

First, I entered the HMV flagship store for the third time in my life. They are going out of business and I was lured by fantasies of bins of bargain CDs. What a waste of time. DO NOT GO. They are shipping the good stuff to their other stores and selling absolute crap at the price Chapters sells it across the street. Bah Humbug. I bought a Pupini Sisters Christmas CD and I don't even like that. I neglected to notice that it contains two of my LEAST favorite Christmas songs. Ick treacle slobber ick.

So I went to Tom Lee's and talked to a man about a uke. They were on sale 'cause it was Black Friday weekend. I took it home and Peter commandeered it straight away and untuned it and then tuned it. It has a nice big sound for such a little guy. I look forward to twanging with it over the holidays.

We have been sampling Christmas fruitcakes and stolen. Butter's fruitcake is too crumbly. Choices dark fruit cake is good and moist, but lacks booze. We like the light mini stolen loaves at Sweet Obsession. Just perfect for sharing. We had the stolen with Elephant Island Framboise, which also went well with the tiger butter bark we made--kind of like the ultimate peanut butter and jam. Must buy port. I make a note.

Did ya see Ullie's poem below? I iz so proud.

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