
Monday, November 21, 2011

Snow Dee Oh

Yes, we haz snow. Had it since the weekend. And today we had the weather I hate most, which is raining onto piles and puddles of slush. I don't have proper boots for this weather because I think maybe they just don't exist. Someone should make them and call them Slushpuddlers.

I am very happy to report that I have written a lullabye and now I need to start recording these songs so I don't forget them. Wish I had the dough to just jump into this song cycle project.

The choir clinic was intense and Dr. Trotter was awesome. He was light, funny and insightful. My head is full with the sound of music, and sometimes two songs overlap and play in my head which is very bizarre. What I loved about Trotter was that instead of assuming we were idiots he was very affirming and positive about the human tendency towards musical intelligence. What a rare gift he has.

Took down the show today, which left me in a state of post-gig blues. Transitions always take their toll. I've got a hellish meeting tomorrow to sort out a beurocratic mess and wrap up another project and then it's on to brighter and shinier things. I hope.

I am relieved and glad that Gregor was voted back into office. The alternative was too horrific to think about. Would have preferred COPE instead of NPA candidates getting voted in, but oh well. At least the one who shall not be named will now be silent. We hope.

Reading more Mankell--The Man from Beijing and Kennedy's Brain. Those books don't appeal to me as much because they are more in the thriller genre, hopping around to exotic locations and requiring a huge suspension of disbelief. Which reminds me--I've got books to return. Toodles.

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