
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Looking Forward to Le Lapin

One of the bloggers I follow (Elizabeth Abernathy) has decided to focus on at least three things she is looking forward to each month. C'est une bonne idée. This month I am looking forward to:

1) a good excuse to eat lots of chocolate around Valentine's Day

I found this Sesame Bianco at Cocoa Nymph and fell in love so I've been experimenting with making my own version of sesame bark at home.

2) getting all the prep work done for the workshops I'm giving this spring

3) ordering all my seeds

4) checking on the bees to see how they did over the winter

5) visiting VanDusen at least once a week to do research and see what is blooming as spring approaches

6) doing a creative garden journal workshop on Feb 23 at 6:30 pm at Ruby Dog's Art Emporium

7) the bake sale my son's class is having

8) making baklava

Well there you go, that's a good start. What are you looking forward to this month?

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