
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tulips and Chai

Ules has been busy making Lego gadgets. He has just discovered Gilligan's Island and is at that age when he laughs uproariously at all the sight gags and pratfalls. I happen to have a copy of The Gilligan's Island Cookbook, so I see a coconut cream pie in our future. He has also chosen a tropical island theme for his birthday well ahead of time. Yesterday I bought some white hot chocolate mix and made chai with it with whole spices and green rooibus tea. I used real cinnamon and topped it with whipped cream. The result was decadent, but too sweet for me.

I have to avoid dark chocolate again because I've entered a migraine zone. I saw bright sun dogs on Sunday and my heart sank because I know what that means: a change in atmospheric pressure and migraine weather. Sure enough, Monday was full on migraine day and Tuesday morning was excrutiating. I kept trying to visualize relaxing my head, neck, and shoulders. I've got lots of heavy duty meetings this week so I've got to try to keep the stress under control. Sunny and bright today and it's dropping in temperature. I wonder if we will get some more snow. Anyway. the best thing about a migraine is when it's over. Like my dad always says, "I think I'm gonna live."

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