
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Snap Out of It

Although it's a gorgeous day outside and I have nothing to complain about I am feeling very weary in my bones today. I really need a change from the routine and a holiday. Thank goodness we are heading to the beach next weekend. I feel like right now I'm dragging my butt, but it's my honey's birthday so I gotta make him a nice dinner party. I think I'll make proper deviled eggs for appies, with a beet salad and a kind of salmon salad niçoise. We're going to have Riesling, which I've been craving since the weather turned nice.

We discovered Breyer's Banana Cream Pie ice cream. Have you had it? It's dangerously delicious! It even has swirls of graham cracker crust in it. I'll have to make something to go with it, like a simple white cake.

The lupins are blooming, or just about to bloom. Same with the irises. Our queen right hive is making lots of gorgeous honey, but I'm sad to say our quiet hive seems to be failing. At this point I think we need a diagnostic before we decide to combine the two hives.

I cleaned all the junk off the dining room table which is where all unfiled objects tend to end up in our household. If only I could keep it that way. There should really be a magic machine where all indefinite articles go in one end and come out sorted, completed, fixed out the other end. Somehow our dining room table never seems to be able to perform that operation.

I am moving around a lot in my dreams, summer camp, university, airplane travel. I wake with a vague tug of fear that there are items I have left behind.

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