
Monday, January 5, 2009

Wrapping it Up

I spent the day after New Year's packing up Christmas. The sun streamed through my windows warming the house as I listened to my favorite Hilliard Ensemble recording. I took the time to carefully wrap the fragile ornaments in tissue and paper straw, sipped green tea and ate biscotti.

I've been thinking about the theme of my New Year's resolutions. I think the word would be "lightness", to have a softer, more subtle touch, to add more levity to my life, to let go of the attachments that drag me down into the dreck. The trick of living in a big city is to have a compassionate outlook and attitude, but not let the suffering and frustration you see around you overwhelm your soul. Many troubles weigh on our minds--especially when we listen to the news on the radio, but at the end of the day you can only hold so much sorrow in your body. You have to let it go. My new trick is to compose haikus in my head before I go to sleep. It's a good habit to get into.

We are waiting for the snow to melt. It's been three weeks. Apparently there's a warm rain gonna fall. I'll believe it when I see it. Lots of trees with broken branches on the walk to school today. Lots of small cars spinnin' their wheels in the snow. Even a big truck full of ale was stuck on Ontario street today. Beer dude, like stay on the main roads! Too bad it wasn't a chocolate delivery truck.

I'm entering the New Year reluctantly, which is odd for me. I just see big piles of work on my desks, tables, chairs, even on the floors. Maybe the rain will melt those piles away too.

Truly you know Christmas is over when you eat the last scrap of Oyama paté, which I did this evening. Well...I still have some discounted Christmas goodies from Choices and Sweet Obsession, so you see I'm stretching it out even further this year. I don't want to risk a lack of chocolate between now and Valentine's Day. Especially with all this snow on the ground and delivery trucks getting waylaid. But if you are driving past our house and get mired in the white stuff, just be sure that we will shovel for chocolate. Good luck with your New Year's Resolutions.

1 comment:

MB said...

You are my inspiration for vintage xmas decorations.

also appreciate that you are able to make a lovely ritual even of taking down the tree. I HAVE to take mine down today. I keep it up for Ukrainian xmas but it's already the 10th, getting weird. I will try to make it pleasant. Perhaps hot chocolate with orange liquer and some YoYo Ma.