
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Oktoberfest is Coming!

I applied to be an Oktoberfest waitress. In the mean time, I think I may make more money busking than anything, so today I wrote a song about my friend's favorite dog, Oon Blackie Schmidt. This makes me very happy. Now I just need to learn to play the ukulele.

Baked: chocolate chip cookies with hemp seeds.

Thinking about baking: Scottish Flap Jacks because I'm writing a piece about foods you carry in your pocket. What do you carry in your pocket smorgasbord?

Reading: Getting the Point. : A Panic Free Guide to English Punctuation for adults by Jenny Haddon and Elizabeth Hawksley. Because you can never know too much about punctuation. For that back to school feeling even if you're not going back to school because you couldn't afford it in a million years and what's the point because you'd end up being an Oktoberfest waitress with an MFA.

Watched: The Lady in the Water written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Well, this movie had cool CGI effects and lots of good actors, but it stunk. There was a big piece of the story missing, ie the life of the main character before he finds The Lady. What makes him drop into this fantasy so easily? I had trouble with that acceptance of suspension of disbelief with most of the characters. And the plot? Some events seemed really hastily tacked on to the story.

Craving: Some kind of chocolate cake with coconut icing.

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