
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Summer Reading

I just wanted to share some of my good summer reading choices.

1) Flower Essences: An Illustrated Guide by Carol Rudd
I've been looking for a book like this for months and bingo! they had it at the Dunbar library branch. (It's a nice little library btw, but the carpet smells like a wet dog with athlete's foot. They really need to remove it.)

2) Secrets of Color Healing by Stephanie Norris.
I found this at the Kitsilano branch. The west side gets all the cool books! This was really good for the prayer flag research I've been doing.

3) The Edible Garden by Rosalind Creasy.
A book with tips for planting edible herbs and flowers and good recipes. Kits branch.

4) The Natural Gardener: The Way we all Want to Garden by Val Bourne
This is an unpretentious gardening book with loads of tips on attracting insects to your garden. The cover photo of two dew-covered butterflies mating is stunning. I want to buy a copy of this book. West Point Grey branch.

5) Seeds from a Birch Tree: Writing Haiku and the Spiritual Journey by Clark Strand
This has inspired my recent bout of haiku writing. I love some of the ideas in this book even though the author drives me absolutely around the bend. I bought it from the remainders bin at Banyen Books.

6) A Restless Evil by Ann Granger
One of the classic murder mysteries set in a small village in England where evil lurks and a mild-mannered detective roots it out with the help of a good woman. I love it!

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