(These flags are hung in the north side of the Children's Garden)
Prayer by Brenna Maag
Printed with seta-colour on hand-dyed reclaimed fabric (old table cloths).
Brenna Maag is a printmaker, sculptor and mixed media artist. Her most recent work, Observation of Wonder is the culmination of four years of observation and research into her relationship with textile practices, ecology and science. She is interested in creating work that uses found materials and that investigates our relationship with nature. Over the past four years she has really started to develop an interest in growing food which is starting to inform her art practice.
Artist Statement:
These Prayer flags are intended to inspire reflection on the basic requirements needed to grow food. They are a reminder that our food does not just magically appear on shelves in grocery stores or on tables at markets but is produced by an amazingly intricate set of relationships between seed, soil, water, sun, pollinators, labourers and the land. With these flags reverence for nature’s remarkable process and thanksgiving for her abundant harvest are released on the wind with much gratitude.
Copywright 2008, Brenna Maag
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