
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Prayer Flags for UBC Farm: Robin Ripley

(These flags hang from the light pole to the west of the entrance to UBC Farm.)

Robin Ripley: Biography and Artist Statement

My work often re-examinations familiar things. Gathering, sorting and reconfiguration are all methods I use to explore my materials. My process speaks to the antecedents of craft and our inherent desire to sort, organize and understand. The effects of my ongoing interest in horticulture is also evident in several of my series. Most recently "Threnody," in which I am mending damaged leaves, addresses my concerns about our interrelationship with nature.

On a recent visit to UBC farm I was heartened to meet someone hand weeding. I was reminded of the impact of the many hours I spent crouching over a row pulling weeds. This experience taught me about the ecology of a site as I observed the weeds, insects, birds & soil . Perhaps my interest in detail and the composite nature of perception began here.

In an era of increased awareness about ecology and food sustainability the possible elimination of the experiential learning provided by UBC farm would be short-sighted.

My flags are made with landscape fabric combined with vinyl and fabric appliqué. The vegetables and fruits portrayed on them are grown at UBC garden. The back of each flag lists the names of some of the varieties available for each plant.

Copywright 2008, Robin Ripley

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