
Monday, July 11, 2011

The Hammer

One of my friends wryly calls me "The Hammer", which is quite appropriate these days because I am hammering flowers in my backyard. Yes, it sounds a bit mad, but it is a way of making flower prints on paper and fabric as I learned from India Flint's book.

Yesterday I said I was back to normal and rested, but today I reverted back to feeling my art lag. I spent most of the day researching garden blogs online. This is a whole new world that has opened up to me and I am searching for a blog list of kindred spirits, particularly in the Pacific Northwest.

Monday often goes either high or low energy for me, there is no inbetween. Mondays and Tuesdays are usually prep days for me and today I got materials ready for a workshop I'm teaching at Moberly on Wednesday for the summer camp. I'm really looking forward to getting into the herb garden and working with the kids.

Thursday is a work party at MOP. I'll let you folks know the details if you want to come out and pull weeds with us. In the meantime I am spending many hours watering the four gardens I am responsible for helping out with this summer. A happy task.

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