
Thursday, February 21, 2008

UBC Farm Circle

This is a nest I found on the side of the path as I walking to UBC farm. The university has been developing the land around the farm, building a supermarket and luxury condos. They've been cutting down trees in some of the best bird habitat I've ever seen. The staff, students, and community members involved with the farm care about it passionately. My friend Charlotte suggested we start a circle of elders to try and protect the future of the farm. I think it's a good idea, since the voice of the community needs to be heard, even by people who don't want to hear it (and who have decided not to let UBC farm harbour community gardens for local residents). We need a group of elders, gardeners, environmentalists, ecologists, chefs, foodies, children, beekeepers, chicken feeders, and birders. Please come and join our circle. We need to sing out, shout, complain, rail against, raise hell. We need to put our passion into words. Stay tuned for more about how you can get involved.

We are open to suggestions.


MB said...

hey Zuchinni Mama!

Congrats on your new blog! Lovely pictures. I was bereft when the Beespeaker blog seemed to come to a halt (or has it?) so am happy to be in touch with all of your creativity and funkiness again.

We should each blog about oscars. mine will be quite low-key but there will be good fromage.

Beespeaker said...

Sounds good Marusya, I will blog the Oscar party here. I think we too will have beaucoup de fromage.