It's seriously raining out there. I am in my warm, clean jammies after a day of teaching and gardening. I worked with the grade fours who have buddies in grade one. We talked about seed germination, the stages of plant growth and then we went to it. We planted seeds. It was complete chaos. Seeds everywhere, overturned pots, frustrated students. I absolutely fell on my ass. Tried to accomplish too much and flopped. Oh well. This is what they call part of the learning curve. My son said it was the worst buddy time they'd ever had and next time I should be better prepared and it should go more smoothly. No kidding.
I worked out my frustration by working in the rain in the garden; amending the soil in my garden bed with compost and sea soil and planting some of the shelling peas and sweet peas I'd soaked to get ready for planting. I usually don't sow direct because of slugs so I'm going to have to start saving eggshells and being vigilant. It felt good to pull weeds and get my fingers in the soil.
This weekend was all about writing protest letters to politicians about the education cuts. The replies are starting to trickle in. The school board is grateful to have parents advocate to the provincial politicians because they say they listen to parents more than the board. In fact they wouldn't be surprised if the provincial government tries to supplant the current board. We'll see about that.
I also saw a fabulous performance by Lori Blondeau at the Western Front: Unwrapping the White Man. It was vintage Blondeau, with great comic timing and a thought-provoking central image. The place was packed. I'm so happy to see a new young crowd supporting performance art.
Last night I watched a very silly and enjoyable movie starring Matt LeBlanc and Eddie Izzard called All the Queen's Men. It's about a recon mission in which the soldiers have to dress in drag to infiltrate a factory. I had no expectations so I had a lot of fun watching it. Then I watched an Inspector Morse Mystery called Deadly Slumber. Not the best one, but I still love Morse.
Alfredo sauce on orecchiette pasta and asparagus for dinner. Comfort food for a soggy day.
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