The sun warmed up the back porch in the afternoon. P. has a solar-powered art piece on a table that wakes up every time the sun hits it. It's the closest thing we have to a pet, other than she who shall not be named. The sonic fungus ticks and whirrs while I clear our carpentry table and knock together a hive frame. (You buy the parts and then use tiny nails to assemble them.)
We made stepping stones with the grade 3's yesterday. I was trying to get them to identify vegetables in the garden. I showed them one row of plants and said " I'll give you a hint. It starts with an "l" and ends in "eeks". One little girl raises her hand and says "Umm, lambchops?"
Deep cravings for comfort food, so I made chicken wings. One batch had honey mustard and garlic sauce and one had soya sauce and honey. Then I made another pan of blondies, with pecans this time. We opened a bottled of port. The three of us sat around the table eating over half the pan, and I tried to tell the story of the men who worked in the Carlsberg beer factory who have just walked off the job because they can no longer have three free bottles of beer a day on the job which could they drink at any time. It's down to one bottle which they can only drink at lunch. Kinder loved the story. It all ended in belly laughs.
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