
Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Morn

Up with the dawn to open our stockings!!! We startled our Christmas mouse and it ran under the Christmas tree and just about gave Peter and I a heart attack. Ules was too focused on his stocking to notice. This year it was very touching because Ullie gave Peter and I gifts and was very excited for us to open them. He made a calendar for his dad and he picked out a top from Smoking Lily for me. Peter gave me some Tugwell Creek mead and I got some fancy tea and an eco-purse from my sister. Mom and dad are buying us a new couch--yay!!! It will be the first time I have ever bought a piece of new furniture.

For breakfast we had Terra Breads cherry and chocolate panetone made into French toast and spread with a locally made chocolate hazelnut spread. It would have been great with some whipped cream and cherry preserves.

This is a little superhero Djeco stamp set I found for Ullie.

This is the art set I gave Ules with a book on how to draw fantasy characters. Peter's reading the rule book to a big game our son wanted--War of the Rings.

I've been making up hot almond milk with cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg topped with a big eggnog marshmallow from Butter bakery. It's very soporific. We opened our gifts, had breakfast, and then I settled in for a long winter's nap!

This is the snow family Ules made in Bear's class. The snow boy has stolen all the candy canes. Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas guys, looks like you had a wonderful day! Wish we could come over for a cup of hot almond milk, looks scrumptious! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU! xo Erica