
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Late Summer Picnic

This has been the summer of the owl. Most of the owls I've seen are the Great Horned Owls of Saskatchewan, sitting like giant winged cats in the windows of abandoned farm houses. These B.C. owls lack the pointy "ears".

As the shadows lengthened on the Great Lawn we tucked into an awesome picnic at Van Dusen Gardens prepared by the Shakespeares. We had salmon, chicken, green salad, potato salad, wine and a few pastries for dessert.

Mrs. Shakespeare explained her passion for following the news of Hurricane Gustav. She comes from a stormy part of Ireland, became fascinated by our lack of real weather here, and so set out to find some.

There is something galvanizing about horrid weather. In Saskatchewan, the weather carves out your life and etches its path onto your heart and soul. Here in Vancouver, it just makes us petulant and unwilling to commit to outdoor events.

I'm very glad we braved the temperate weather and committed to a late summer picnic. I'm delighted we ventured into the woods and came upon an owl contemplating it's own late summer delicacy--was it a squirrel? a mouse? a stray cat? a long-lost jogger? We'll never know.

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