
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Duck Night

We had guests over for Sunday dinner and Pietro cooked duck. He likes to sauté the breasts and braise the rest of the bird. I made an appetizer with chevre blended with chives and nasturtiums, decorated with calendula petals from UBC farm.

We enjoyed a bottle of Lang rosé and one of the Wild Goose pink. We also had a UBC Farm salad, red Thai rice and steamed beans and carrots. Pietro forgot that his sister doesn't like beans. I think we have to keep a note book on what our guests can/won't/don't eat.

One of our guests can't eat wheat so I made spelt scones with strawberries from UBC Farm and whipped cream. I macerated some lavender and mint and cold-steeped the cream for a few hours before I whipped it up. Spelt is pretty darn chewy, so I would rather cut it with another flour, more finely ground--maybe next time I'd make and add some oatmeal flour.

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